Saturday, May 20, 2023


SITA – Warrior of Mithila


I do have time during my train rides in the mornings to the office. While the best chunk of passengers love to browse so attentively their smartphones, I love burying my head into my books. I would have my earphones plugged into my ears and a book in my hand, while the rest of crowd just worries about if they can get a seat. Without any further ado, here is my review about this book that mesmerized me.

 A gem among all the reads that I have cherished so far. While purchasing this from one of renowned stored in Mangalore I did not have many expectations as in what this book would have for me in store. But every time I flipped the pages, it left me wanting more. As for me Sita – the queen was always just a beautiful queen who was Lord Ram’s wife. This is visualized since my younger days we heard stories, watched Ramayana and no other side of Sita was ever depicted. Hence this book astonished me. The moment I completed it, I wanted to share my thoughts on it, but it happened a bit later though.

The books start by explaining the ordeal Ram-Sita-Lakshman are going through their vanvas of 14years. They are being attached by Raavan since he wanted revenge from them. The trio along with their armies change places for security reasons to be away from Raavan. While we are aware of this part. But what caught my amusement was the braveness, calmness, intelligence, and yet down to earth attitude the lady Sita had. The books describe Sita’s existence and her early childhood days with her mother Sunaina, the queen of Mithila. When we read about Sunaina, we can relate to the honest upbringings Sita had from this amazing queen. She was a strategist, generous ruler, voracious reader, a protector that loved her people dearly, intelligent to handle any situations and not give up attitude. Sita grew to be a shadow of her mother who loved her dearly even after she had her own child.

While I dived into the book, it took me into that era which also was rich in its cultures and other core subjects like mathematics, geography, philosophy, science, and Sanskrit. Sita was not only a brave warrior but a person with knowledge of these subjects too. I wonder what kind of a human she would have been with these all-round qualities. Basically, this book gave me opportunity to know Sita and left me wondering why the society never speaks about it? Or was it my only unawareness?

The book is written by Amish who has also authored similar such beautiful pieces that am yet explore. The book has been also praised by our Prime Minister Mr. Modi, BBC, Amitabh Bachchan, many other renowned personalities. For anyone who is a voracious reader, if you have not read this book, kindly do so whenever you have an opportunity.

Happy reading.





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